
Comic giving voice to migrants based on Robert Nurick’s research

Robert Nurick is lead author of SAICM Quick Start Programme Evaluation

WorldFish and Development Focus have launched a participatory action research guide for facilitators

Steps to engaging young children in research edited by Vicky Johnson has been launched by the Bernard van Leer Foundation

ChildHope and Development Focus have launched a Children and Young People’s Participation Manual

Vicky Johnson is Principal Research Fellow at the University of Brighton, UK 

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Development Focus is an organisation led by Dr Vicky Johnson and Dr Robert Nurick working on international issues of social justice, public participation, and children and young people’s rights.

Development Focus international and UK work:

  1. Bullet Training in public participation and community engagement

  1. Bullet Facilitating participatory monitoring and evaluation and action planning

  1. Bullet Promoting children and young people's rights and participation

  1. Bullet Researching issues of poverty, social exclusion and environmental justice